USA Health Panel has made anxiety level checks mandatory for US Population! Johari’s Possible Solution…

SUNITI tripathi
2 min readSep 27, 2022


Johari brings NishCalm, a Globally trusted solution to provide impactful relief from Insomnia & Anxiety with zero side effects!

US FDA-approved NishCalm is a solution to help individuals cope with issues affecting their physical and mental well-being. Patients in a restless state of anxiety or insomnia sign up for medication which is the first, easiest and most prescribed solution offered by doctors. Medicines for stress/anxiety or insomnia give instantaneous relief but their long-run consumption has severe side effects. CES (Cranial Electrical Stimulation), on the other hand, is a US FDA-approved technology to relax their mental health without any invasive measures and side effects.

With a research-backed CES device, Johari brings a revolutionary device that can be used by the majority of adults anywhere on the go. The device easily fits in your pocket and can be plugged in like earphones. The ear clips attach to your ear lobes delivering low-intensity currents to help individuals relax.

The device has also proven results for insomniacs. The CES current application causes the release of relaxing hormones like serotonin, epinephrine, neuro-epinephrine and more. The brain waves transition from the Beta state (13Hz to 30 Hz) [associated with day-to-day wakefulness] to the Alpha state (4Hz to 14Hz) [associated with relaxation state] to help individuals in gaining longer hours of sleep.


The global rise in stress and anxiety levels requires a solution that is easy to use & aids in one’s wellbeing without any side effects.



SUNITI tripathi

Content Writer, Author, Scientific Writer ( Alumnus — Institute of Science, Benaras Hindu University, India)